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Navigating Change: A Two-by-Two Framework for Transformation

Change is an inevitable part of organizational life, and not all changes are created equal. To help you navigate the complex change landscape, we've developed a framework: the Change Two x Two – a matrix that illuminates the interplay between chosen/unchosen and technical/adaptive types of change.

Chosen-Technical: Smooth Sailing with Skillful Precision

In chosen-technical changes, we find ourselves in familiar territory. These changes are easy to implement, leveraging existing skill sets, and their benefits are readily apparent. Think of adding staff or boosting program capacity – the tactical and operational aspects make these changes straightforward.

Questions to ask:

  • How are these changes aligned with our strategic plan?

  • Do we need to train anybody on the skills necessary for these changes?

  • Who else needs to know?  In other words, how are we communicating about these changes with affected parties?

Chosen-Adaptive: Unveiling the Visionary Challenge

When change ventures into the chosen-adaptive quadrant, we're entering visionary territory. Excitement and possibility mingle with the acknowledgment that new skills and knowledge are required. Consider the mission overhaul or a culture shift – these changes demand a forward-thinking approach.

Questions to ask:

  • Is everyone clear on the vision we are pursuing and why?

  • Are they clear about how this change is aligned with our mission and vision?

  • Are we clear about how decisions are going to made (and who is making them)  as we move forward?

  • Are we focused on learning from success and failure as we move forward?

Unchosen-Technical: Survival Amidst Imposition

In unchosen-technical changes, we can feel like passengers on a journey, not of our choosing. Despite being technically feasible, these changes may trigger survival instincts.  Sometimes these changes can feel like coercion, and most people tend to resist coercion. Think of policy changes that affect day-to-day operations. A key to successful change here is to understand the implications of compliance and non-compliance.

Questions to ask:

  • What happens if we do nothing?  What are the implications?

  • How will this change affect our model and and ultimately our focus on mission?

  • How can we help people connect this change with our greater purpose, mission, and/or vision?

Unchosen-Adaptive: Facing Uncertainty with Resilience

The most formidable quadrant, unchosen adaptive changes, presents a landscape of uncertainty and fear. Survival instincts kick in as barriers emerge, making it challenging to proceed. Here, organizations grapple with the unknown.  They currently lack the tools and skills needed for transformation.

Questions to ask:

  • What skills or perspectives do we need to understand the challenge better?

  • Can we shift from a zero-sum/binary mindset to an open, creative mindset that is focused on learning?

  • How do we take a step back and re-evaluate our assumptions and conventional wisdom in order to better engage this challenge?

This Two x Two framework is a useful tool to help you identify what kind of change you may be facing and the best way to embrace that change.  We're committed to helping you navigate complexities, transform challenges into opportunities, and lead your organization toward a thriving future.