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Four “A’s” for Creating and Implementing a Smooth Process

Here at The Spark Mill, we all have different skill sets that help each of us to thrive in our roles. As for me, Operations Coordinator, I wear multiple hats but the hat I wear most often, is making sure everything runs smoothly behind the scenes. When I stepped into this role I knew I had to start thinking about processes and operations a little differently, because now I work in a semi-large team.

It wasn’t until a few years ago that I had a word for how I approach processes, accipurposely; doing something accidentally on purpose. Yes, this is sort of a made-up word up. But it fits! Some people prefer to write out all the steps and then use them as a plan to accomplish something. However, for me, I tend to start something or move on a task before I layout a map of how to tackle it. I’ve learned that I work best when I dive in and work out the kinks along the way or accipurposely. When I’m working on a new process my brain starts to peel apart the layers of the task as I move through it. Ironing out wrinkles and seeing holes. As I cozy into my position as operations coordinator, I’ve had to put some rules around the way I think. I’m now thinking for a growing team of 7, so I mustn’t create a new process without considering everyone's work styles. My job is to make sure the processes in place run smoothly for everyone, not just for me. So, I created checks and balances to do just that: 

Four “A’s” for creating and implementing a smooth process: 

ASSESS. the issue you’ve discovered. Consider all the facts, as you perceive them to be. Make sure you’ve thought through all the benefits and possible concerns your team or teammate may have with implementing this new change. 

ASK. Does the team/person feel the same way you do about this issue? Make sure you are addressing the real pain point. Is the new process fixing the core issue? By asking, you may find the problem is bigger than you thought and needs more flushing out.

AUTOMATE. Can this be automated? I’m a huge fan of automation. Being able to put a system in place that runs in the background. MAGIC!!

AUDIT. Is this new process still working? Checking in regularly on the process you’ve put in place is important. You want to stay ahead of any potential issues or be able to tweak the process so it runs smoother before it becomes a problem. 

By walking through these steps each time you come across an area where you can add a new process for your team, you create a collaborative environment. Remember you are on a team so it’s important to include the team in your decision making. When working accipurposley, there is always purpose involved. You have to remain conscience of your team’s ability to work in your accidental world.  You don’t want to accipurposely change something that is already working.

Is your process working? Wanna chat about ways to improve your process?