Office Hours, Messages, and 10% Time: Our Plan to Navigate Uncertainty with You

My, how the world has changed in just a few short days. Knowing that this is a moving target we wanted to share a few things that we have instituted immediately in hope you could find it useful.

Free Sessions for Current and Former Clients

Lastly, we are offering free sessions with team members for current and former clients. These one hour sessions are open to any question, problem, or thought you may have. Its your time and it’s our pleasure to maintain our role as a thought partner with you. If interested, contact us here for a link to our calendar to book a spot.

Open Office Hours

Starting this Friday we will be offering open hours via video. Our first session will be staffed by me and there is no agenda - just a place to chat/call/video in to pick brains and commiserate. From our work we know that people need empathy and support to navigate change and we are happy to offer it.

Ears and Eyes #OTD


We plan to post quotes, thoughts, messages each day on our social media outlets. Sometimes its gonna be funny sometimes it might be a tip and sometimes it might just be a quote. We debuted this today with a quote from Maya Angelou. If you are a fan of our newsletter then you also know that we are fond of podcasts, documentaries, and music - so we will also be posting a listen of the day - today it was this great playlist from spotify .

Bench + 10%

For now, our team is still busy executing work - even if most of us are remote. We had our last in person team meeting yesterday maintaining lots of distance where we set up norms for teleworking (thanks to Lindsey for the post on COVID-19 last week which seems like a lifetime ago) and expectations and mapped out the next month. We have always maintained a philosophy around 10% time - or 10% of our time should be spent on learning - it is something we often put aside but we brought it back up in a conversation on how to fill up our time if our work slows. We talked about forward projects we were keeping on the back-burner, books we intended to read, blogs we intended to write, and toolkits we always hoped to create. This is a great way to keep your business or organization facing forward even in these uncertain times.

Relevant Content

We are developing a plan to host content specific sessions and will update on that next week.


6 Characteristics of Leadership You Don't Get in Business School


We Are in the Business of Change: COVID-19 Plans