Quality consulting should be within the reach of every organization. 

Pro Bono: Sparking change for emerging nonprofits and faith organizations

The size and budget of your organization should not determine your access to professional, knowledgeable guidance.  That is why we have an ongoing commitment to providing high quality services to small organizations that wouldn't otherwise be able to afford working with a consultant. 

Our Commitment: 

Each of The Spark Mill consultants will work with pro bono clients through our Spark Studio program that pairs free classes with individual coaching.

The Fine Print:

Inclusion is limited to: new clients and organizations with budgets under $150,000 without the capacity to pay for services.  

Who Makes a Good Fit

  1. You have at least one paid staff person

  2. You have a targeted and discrete need for specific help

  3. You have time to devote to the project

History and Background

Since 2017 we have given away over $60,000 in free services to nonprofits, churches, and start-ups with a social good mission. To read more about our program and our ideal client, check out this blog post from our launch of the program. Read our probono manifesto here. 


Application for Services